Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pure Michigan & Whirley Ball

PURE MICHIGAN: Thats what the sign said as I crossed the line into the great state of Michigan. I have made it here safe and sound thanks to my family and a sweet GPS! I've been here less than 48 hours and already have had some awesome experiences.

I have been so blessed in being able to live with a kind and sweet family. They are lovely people who have opened not only thier home but thier lives. I am very grateful!!!

I was introduced to the game Whirley Ball tonight. Basically, you sit in a bumper car and you have a ball that you're trying to get to hit the "net". Its like basketball in bumper cars bascially. It was so much fun!! We had an excellent time! While I spent most of my time spinning around trying to figure out how to drive the bumper car, it really was a good time!! I quite enjoyed myself!

I think what made it the most special for me, however, was a simple act of kindness that meant the world to me. After the game was over and we were back at the church one of the junior high ladies came over to say goodbye. Without hesitation she reached out and hugged me and said "You're one of us now".

With that, my heart is now in Saline. And there it shall remain for the next 7 months.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Count Down Begins!


I honestly cannot believe how fast the time has gone! I am so excited to get there and start developoing relationships with the students and with those whom I will be living/working with. I am incredibly nervous though!

I thought you would enjoy this! The following detail the top 10 thoughts running rapidly through "The Mind of Megan" as I prepare to head off "into the great wide open" as my friend Tom Petty would say.

1. "Man I really need to order those 8 books for Prime.....I've never read 8 books in 7 months in my life!"

2. "I wonder if it would be weird if I brought a coffee pot to Prime....I really will need one and Abi won't be around for me to use hers...."

3. "Its ridiculous that I need a GPS to find my way from my new home to the church"

4. "I hope there's a bank near me or else I'm in big trouble"

5. "Pack up to go home, unpack to put stuff away, pack back up to go to Michigan, unpack again...I should just live out of a suitcase"

6. "I'm not a fan of being lonely....nor am I fan of being alone....I will HAVE to make friends ASAP !"

7. "I cannot forget to write PRIME goals for my advisor! I have to start out on a good note!!"

8. "I wonder if Lake Michigan is close to me....good thing I'll have a GPS"

9. "If I got lost and went too far north I could end up in Canada.....another reason for the GPS"

10. "I hate saying goodbyes. I dont wanna leave my HU friends or my family....I will probably cry when I have to...and I hate to cry....bah this is not ok!"

So...there you have it. The top thoughts running through my mind as I prepare to leave the comfort known as HU and enter the great unknown.
