Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome To My World.....

As you might have heard, I am heading to Michigan for a seven month internship where I will be working in a church with their youth group. II am not really 100% sure of my duties, however I do know that we will be heading down to Tennessee for a week and am looking forward to that. I am really excited for this opportunity and look forward to everything God has in store for me once I arrive there.

This blog is going to provide a way for people who are interested to follow along as I dive into this adventure! I will be heading out in late May and getting back in mid-December. This is going to be a great time of growing spiritually and emotionally and I am very excited to see what will happen in the next seven months!!



  1. Megan, I'm so proud of you and this journey of life and calling God is leading you on. I'm excited to track with you over these next several months. Know that you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful time and enjoy yourself in the midst of it all.


  2. I'm glad you'll be blogging this Meg. I cannot wait to see what God has in store. I'm so proud of you, the young woman you are and are becomming. Love you sweet girl!

  3. you are so awesome!!! im proud to introduce you as my cousin! not only that , but its a privilege to call you my friend and sister in christ!!! love you and will keep you in my prayers, love cousin tereasa
