Saturday, June 26, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

What an amazing journey the last few weeks have been! It's hard to believe that I have officially lived in Michigan for over a month now! It has been so hard to be away from family and friends, but the ends will justify the means, I am positive.

While I am certain I will probably leave out some things that have happened, I will try my best to give you a run down of the things that have occurred in the past weeks. For starters, I have finally been able to successfully navigate my way around Saline and Ann Arbor. That is good! Ha! I have been going around to various graduation parties and getting to know those who have graduated this past year much better. That has been a good thing! I feel as though knowing the graduating seniors actually gives me some advantage in getting a feel for the rest of the group. I dont know if it will prove true, its just a theory ha.

I had the opportunity to have dinner with a family from our church recently. It was lovely! It was fun to sit down and talk with people and hear their story. They were an elderly couple and thier son. The place we ate was very nice! We even went out for an ice cream treat after. They were genuine. That is one of my favorite qualities in people! That was a good night!

We also have dedicated the new building, even though we have not gotten to move in yet. It will be a great move and an awesome transition for Emily and the youth group. I just hope I'm still around to see it.

Not exactly related to PRIME but still exciting nonetheless is the fact that I had the great honor of being a bridesmaid in my dear friend Laura (Groth) Oswalt's wedding. It was so much fun and great to be a part of her special day! I was so glad to see so many wonderful HU girls again as well as meet some pretty awesome new friends!!! It was a fantastic weekend!!! It also allowed me some time at home. I was able to catch up with my family and spend some much needed time with Mom :)

This past week I was lucky enough to be able to participate in the Saline Community VBS with Leanne. That was really fun and it allowed me to meet some great kids! I helped out with the golfing day and also with the Wild Wet Wacky Water Day. I managed to stay pretty dry I was quite happy!

Wednesday night was another crazy weather night! We had Mountain T.O.P. training which had taken a majority of the week to finalize and plan. That night everything was set up and ready to go. We went through several aspects of the training just fine and without a hitch. However, just as we were transitioning, we had to take cover immediately. ANOTHER TORNADO!! I could not believe it. It was very interesting to watch Emily handle the situation and it was helpful to see her keep the youth calm by not acting too dramatic about it. I feel as though I learn lots from her in situations such as these! Luckily we, yet again, were just fine. The tornado did touch down just a few miles from where we were having training though! It is amazing to me that we all were lucky yet again!

Thursday was a much needed day of recovery. Luckily I had a great friend come and spend the day with me! Cassie, from Huntington, came and we were able to just relax and laugh....A LOT!!! I had such a good time with her! We saw some interesting sights as we ventured into Ann Arbor and spent some time on the University of Michigan campus. It was a glorious time!!!

Finally I concluded this week with a nice concert. My host family had extra tickets to a Chris Tomlin/Toby Mac concert, so I was able to invite Emily and Leanne. It was a fun time being able to get to know them away from the office. I really enjoyed hearing Chris Tomlin live!!! I was in seventh heaven!

This morning we had the car wash for our Mountain T.O.P. trip. I had a nice time meeting all the students that I had not yet met, as well as getting to know others better. One bad thing was the major sunburn that went along with the lovely carwash!!! It isn't so bad though and I did have an excellent time!!

I PROMISE to update more often because there is too much going on to update only randomly. Life in Michigan is swell and I have learned to love every moment here!!!!

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